
The study of Science has always been central to The Free School Norwich education and remains at the heart of our curriculum.

Our aim is to stimulate and excite children’s curiosity about the world around them. Using the Hamilton scheme, we provide first hand experiences and support for children to develop enquiring minds, learning how to question and discuss science through collaboration. Starting from the views already held, children are given the opportunity to have their views challenged, to change their views and ultimately improve their understanding. A planned range of practical experiences set in meaningful contexts helps to develop a range of investigative skills and allows children to take risks and learn from their mistakes, developing them into independent learners.


Our aim is to enable learners to:

  • develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics;
  • develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science through different types of scientific enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them;
  • ensure they are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future.

In teaching Science, we are developing in our children:

  • a positive attitude towards Science and an awareness of its fascination;
  • an understanding of Science through a process of enquiry and investigation;
  • confidence and competence in scientific knowledge, concepts and skills;
  • an ability to reason, predict, think logically and to work systematically and accurately;
  • an ability to communicate scientifically;
  • the initiative to work both independently and in co-operation with others;
  • the ability and meaning to use and apply science across the curriculum and real life.


Science at The Free School Norwich is taught weekly in all year groups. We use the Hamilton Trust schemes of work, which uses hands-on investigative science activities to promote a deep understanding of scientific concepts across the curriculum. It aids children in developing effective methods of scientific enquiry.

The science planning is organised to take full advantage of seasonal study opportunities and use the outdoors as much as possible when undertaking learning. It ensures progression across the year groups in scientific working skills and the National Curriculum objectives. Each year is made up of 6 blocks of 6 weeks of study, with each block dedicated to one of the science areas. Each block culminates in a meaningful outcome, for example putting on a Festive Lights display show. This provides children with a purpose for their learning and gives them something to work towards, either independently or with their peers.


The successful approach at The Free School Norwich results in a fun, engaging, high-quality science education that provides children with the foundations and knowledge for understanding the world. Our use of scientific enquiry ensures that children learn through varied and first-hand experiences of the world around them. Frequent, continuous and progressive learning, both inside and outside the classroom, is embedded throughout the science curriculum.

Children at the Free School Norwich will:

  • demonstrate a love of science work and an interest in further study and work in this field
  • retain knowledge that is pertinent to Science with a real life context
  • be able to question ideas and reflect on knowledge
  • be able to articulate their understanding of scientific concepts and be able to reason scientifically using rich language linked to Science
  • work collaboratively and practically to investigate and experiment
  • work meticulously and methodically when undertaking scientific enquiry, with an understanding for the need of precision and accuracy

Pupil Voice is used to further develop the Science curriculum, through questioning of pupil’s views and attitudes to Science to support the children’s enjoyment of the subject and to motivate learners.

Curriculum Progression

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