Parenting Support 

Our Family Support Worker works with the Safeguarding Team to ensure that we support you as parents/carers to help you and your children gain as much as possible from school life.

Parenting can often be challenging and at time things can get tough. Homework can seem daunting, finances are often stretched to the limit and problem behaviour can be really upsetting. The Family Support Worker can help you deal with any worries or concerns about your child and to support you in tackling any home issues that are making school life difficult for you and your family.

We run termly meetings with families in need and can signpost you to supporting agencies or just give a safe place to talk about your worries. We work closely in partnership with Norfolk County Council and a range of agencies to facilitate support.

Please contact the school office should you wish to talk about accessing family support. 

Here are some links which may be a good place to start if you’d like to look into support:

We believe that happy children learn best but understand that sometimes children needed a little more support in order to talk about their worries. The below websites have some great ideas to promote positive wellbeing and also offer additional support from professionals where it is needed. Please do contact us for support or if you think a referral is needed.

Sometimes, our young people take on extra responsibility at home to care for a relative or sibling. We feel it is important that these children get additional support and most importantly, time for them to be children. Please get in touch if you feel a young carers assessment is required for your child, this will be done in conjunction with CADS (Children’s Advice and Duty Service) but below are some charities who will also help:

Sometimes, it’s hard to make ‘ends meet’, particularly after a challenging couple of years, the below charities support families with helping to meet additional costs such as residential trips and uniform.

The Anguish Foundation offer grants to cover additional costs of education, including uniform, subject to a means income test:

The Joanna Scott Foundation, are a local charity who support with financial costs of trips, extra curricula activities and will consider supporting other projects to remove financial barriers from children accessing a full experience from their education:

Norfolk Assistance scheme can support with grants for uniform, living costs and support with debt management

We recognize that sometimes, as a parents, you need time for you. The below organizations can support with linking you with activities and families who understand your situation. They can also support with financial difficulties and signposts for support.