
At The Free School Norwich, we place a great emphasis on the importance of reading regularly both in school and at home. We ask that you aim to listen to or read to your child at least 3 times a week. All children have access to our library where they can choose a book to read for pleasure on top of their assigned reading book if appropriate. Any type of reading will support and help your child to become more confident and fluent.

Spelling is an area that we ask you to help your child with. Each week each year group (except EYFS) has spelling words to learn posted on Tapestry. We can also send home a paper copy of the spellings if needed. Please support your child with these and go over them a few times a week to aid fluency. If you have any questions about spellings, please talk to your child’s class teacher. 

Memorising times tables makes it far quicker and easier for children to work out maths problems in their heads. Times Table Rockstars (https://ttrockstars.com/) is a great resource and is a fun way for children to learn their tables. All children have access to this provided by the school.

Additionally, class Prodigy (www.prodigygame.com/main-en/game-portal/) accounts have been created to aid maths fluency.

Please email the office if you require login details.